SpiraApps Developer Reference¶
This page provides reference information for multiple parts of SpiraApp development. Separate reference information about the manifest is also available.
Manifest Lookups¶
There are a number of places in the manifest file where lookups are required. The different lookups and what they relate to are listed below.
Setting types¶
The following IDs are allowed for the settingTypeId property for system admin settings and product admin settings. Not all of these are currently supported, and some are not available in system settings.
ID | Setting Type | Product Settings | System Settings |
1 | Plain text | Y | Y |
2 | Rich text (html) | Y | Y |
3 | ArtifactCustomProperty | Y | |
4 | Integer | Y | Y |
5 | ArtifactStatusSingleSelect | Y | |
6 | ArtifactStatusMultiSelect | ||
7 | ArtifactStandardField | Y | |
8 | ArtifactFlexibleCustomProperty | ||
9 | Multi line plain text | Y | Y |
10 | Boolean | Y | Y |
11 | ArtifactTypeSingleSelect | Y |
Artifact Types¶
The list below shows the relevant IDs for different artifacts in Spira.
ID | Artifact Type |
1 | Requirement |
2 | TestCase |
3 | Incident |
4 | Release |
5 | TestRun |
6 | Task |
7 | TestStep |
8 | TestSet |
9 | AutomationHost |
10 | AutomationEngine |
12 | RequirementStep |
13 | Document |
14 | Risk |
15 | RiskMitigation |
The list below shows the relevant IDs for different pages where SpiraApps can run from. Every page below support pageContents and menus, but only list pages support columns.
ID | Page | Supports columns |
1 | TestCaseList | Y |
2 | TestCaseDetails | N |
3 | TestRunList | Y |
4 | TestRunDetails | N |
5 | ReleaseDetails | N |
6 | RiskList | Y |
7 | RiskDetails | N |
8 | RequirementList | Y |
9 | RequirementDetails | N |
10 | ReleaseList | Y |
11 | TestSetList | Y |
12 | TestSetDetails | N |
13 | TaskList | Y |
14 | TaskDetails | N |
15 | DocumentList | Y |
16 | DocumentDetails | N |
17 | AutomationHostList | Y |
18 | AutomationHostDetails | N |
19 | IncidentList | Y |
20 | IncidentDetails | N |
21 | SpiraAppProductAdmin | N |
Action Types¶
The list below shows the IDs for different action types.
ID | Page |
1 | URL |
2 | Function |
Dashboard Types¶
The list below shows the IDs for different dashboard pages in Spira.
ID | Dashboard | Available to SpiraApps |
1 | ProductHome | Y |
2 | ProductReports | Y |
3 | MyPage | Y |
4 | ProgramHome | N |
5 | PortfolioHome | N |
6 | EnterpriseHome | N |
7 | ProgramReports | N |
SpiraApp Manager Lookups¶
Available Grid IDs¶
The following gridIDs are available when calling the spiraAppManager.gridIds
- requirementSteps
- riskMitigations
- testCaseTestSteps
- testSetTestCases
- artifactGrid (this refers to the main grid when viewing any artifact's list page)
Available Field Names¶
The following field names are available when calling various page functions related to artifact details pages like getDataItemField or updateFormField.
- AutomationHostId
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- IsActive
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- Token
- AttachmentId
- AuthorId
- CurrentVersion
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- DocumentStatusId (Lookup)
- DocumentTypeId (Lookup)
- DocumentVersions
- EditedDate
- EditorId
- Filename
- Filetype
- ProjectAttachmentFolderId
- Size
- Tags
- UploadDate
- ActualEffort
- BuildId
- ClosedDate
- CompletionPercent
- ComponentIds (Lookup)
- CreationDate
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- DetectedReleaseId (Lookup)
- EstimatedEffort
- IncidentId
- IncidentStatusId (Lookup)
- IncidentTypeId (Lookup)
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OpenerId (Lookup)
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- PriorityId (Lookup)
- ProgressId
- ProjectedEffort
- RemainingEffort
- Resolution
- ResolvedReleaseId (Lookup)
- SeverityId (Lookup)
- StartDate
- Tags
- VerifiedReleaseId (Lookup)
- AvailableEffort
- AvailablePoints
- CountPassed
- CreationDate
- CreatorId (Lookup)
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- DaysNonWorking
- Description
- EndDate
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- PercentComplete
- PlannedEffort
- PlannedPoints
- ReleaseId (Lookup)
- ReleaseStatusId (Lookup)
- ReleaseTypeId (Lookup)
- RequirementCount
- RequirementPoints
- ResourceCount
- StartDate
- Tags
- TaskActualEffort
- TaskCount
- TaskEstimatedEffort
- TaskProjectedEffort
- TaskRemainingEffort
- VersionNumber
- AuthorId
- ComponentId (Lookup)
- CoverageCountTotal
- CreationDate
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- EstimatedEffort
- EstimatePoints
- ImportanceId (Lookup)
- IsSummary
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- TaskCount
- ReleaseId (Lookup)
- RequirementId
- RequirementStatusId (Lookup)
- RequirementTypeId (Lookup)
- Tags
- TaskActualEffort
- TaskEstimatedEffort
- TaskProjectedEffort
- TaskRemainingEffort
- ClosedDate
- ComponentId (Lookup)
- CreationDate
- CreatorId
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- ReleaseId (Lookup)
- ReviewDate
- RiskExposure
- RiskId
- RiskImpactId (Lookup)
- RiskProbabilityId (Lookup)
- RiskStatusId (Lookup)
- RiskTypeId (Lookup)
- Tags
- ActualEffort
- CompletionPercent
- ComponentId
- CreationDate
- CreatorId (Lookup)
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- EndDate
- EstimatedEffort
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- ProgressId
- ProjectedEffort
- ReleaseId (Lookup)
- RemainingEffort
- RequirementId
- RiskId
- StartDate
- Tags
- TaskId
- TaskPriorityId (Lookup)
- TaskStatusId (Lookup)
- TaskTypeId (Lookup)
- ActualDuration
- AuthorId (Lookup)
- AutomationChanged
- AutomationDocumentFolderId
- AutomationDocumentId
- AutomationDocumentTypeId
- AutomationEngineId
- AutomationFileIcon
- AutomationLink
- AutomationScript
- AutomationType
- AutomationVersion
- ComponentIds (Lookup)
- CreationDate
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- EstimatedDuration
- ExecutionDate
- ExecutionStatusId
- IsSuspect
- IsTestSteps
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- Tags
- TestCaseId
- TestCasePriorityId (Lookup)
- TestCaseStatusId (Lookup)
- TestCaseTypeId (Lookup)
- ActualDuration
- AutomationHostId
- BuildId (Lookup)
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- EndDate
- EstimatedDuration
- ExecutionStatusId
- Name
- ProjectId
- ReleaseId (Lookup)
- RunnerMessage
- RunnerName
- RunnerTestName
- Tags
- TestCaseId
- TestRunId
- TestRunTypeId (Lookup)
- TestSetId
- TesterId (Lookup)
- ActualDuration
- AutomationHostId
- BuildExecuteTimeInterval
- CreationDate
- CreatorId (Lookup)
- Custom_01...Custom_99
- Description
- EstimatedDuration
- ExecutionDate
- ExecutionStatusId
- IsAutoScheduled
- LastUpdateDate
- Name
- OwnerId (Lookup)
- PlannedDate
- RecurrenceId
- ReleaseId (Lookup)
- Tags
- TestCaseReleaseId
- TestConfigurationSetId (Lookup)
- TestRunTypeId (Lookup)
- TestSetId
- TestSetStatusId (Lookup)
Available Data Properties¶
The following data properties are available when calling various page functions related to artifact details pages like getDataItemField or updateFormField.
A given field may have data and metadata of multiple types, such as a label and an ID. in these cases, the field has multiple data properties for it's different components. Below you can see how to access this data and metadata on the details pages. You will also see how to find specific information available on artifact details pages.
If you are unsure what is available, network requests in browser dev tools can be filtered by Form_Retrieve on details pages to capture the relevant response. the d.Fields object in the response contains field names as it's keys, and the values for a given field are the data properties available. This document is not an exhaustive list of data properties, as many are not likely to be useful for SpiraApp developers.
This data property contains the string information about a field.
This is the relevant database property for text, rich text, and multi-select fields and if changed, will change the relevant data in the database upon save.
Example use cases
- The name and description of artifacts as raw text are stored in this property (Including markup in rich text fields)
- Multi-select value IDs are stored here, as comma separated list of integers, where the integers are the IDs of each selected value (available values and label mappings are stored in the lookups data property)
This data property contains integer based data. Some fields may be integer based in the database, but are displayed differently via their UI controls. All single select dropdowns use integers for their underlying ID values. Often, the int value is the "real" database value, but is not what gets displayed to the end user within Spira's UI.
This is the relevant database property for single select dropdowns, effort values, and integer custom properties and if changed, will change the relevant data in the database upon save.
Example use cases
- ID of a single item selected for a dropdown property
- Effort values (Stored as number of minutes)
- Integer custom property values
This data property contains dates.
This is the relevant database property for all dates and if changed, will change the relevant data in the database upon save (Creation and last update dates cannot be updated this way)
Example use cases
- Start and End dates of artifacts
- Last executed dates for tests
This data property contains the captions for the fields as displayed in the UI, localized to the user's language settings. This could be used for referring to the name of specific fields, such as "Owner" from the field OwnerId in a displayed message.
This data property contains an object of potential values for certain dropdowns with the relevant ID as the objects' keys and their label values as the objects' values. For most standard fields, this information is not stored here. Keys start with "k" followed by an integer, and the integer is the relevant ID (k must be removed to use the value). Cases where this is available:
- Custom property fields of type list, multi-list, or user
- Components on the incident details page
This data property contains tooltips information and sometimes alternate text formatting of certain data fields.
Example Use Cases
- Date fields have a user friendly string localized to the relevant culture's formatting
- Multi-select properties which are disabled have the list of selected items labels stored here as a
This data property contains an ID representing the field type.
To understand what this means more closely, see the field types section below.
The following are boolean properties that indicate workflow or custom property constraints for a specific field. These could be written to to define more complex workflow constraints which are enforced via influencing the UI state for a given field based on some criteria. Relevant data properties:
- editable
- required
- hidden
Field Types¶
Each field within Spira is one of a collection of standardized field types. This information is relevant to how the data for that field is displayed, formatted, and saved.
The table below shows the available field types, so developers can build generic field handling around certain field types instead of writing code for each individual field.
Setting this value will likely break user saving and SpiraApps which do so will therefore be rejected for publication.
ID | Name | Notes |
1 | Text | This type refers specifically to plain text fields, not rich text. Artifact names are also an exception to this. |
2 | Lookup | This type covers most single-select dropdowns - usually the database value for this field is an Integer of an ID, while the displayed value is a label for the selected item |
3 | DateTime | This type refers to date and time inputs such as start and end dates |
4 | Identifier | This type covers the current artifact's ID (Such as the IncidentId of an Incident) |
5 | Equalizer | This type is for progress and artifact status summary bars such as Test Execution status for test cases of a release or Progress for a task |
6 | Name | This type is for artifact names. |
7 | CustomPropertyLookup | This is for custom properties of type List |
8 | Integer | This type is for custom properties of type integer |
9 | TimeInterval | This is for fields where an amount of time is entered, such as Estimated Effort |
10 | Flag | This type covers boolean flags such as Test Case "Suspect?" and custom properties of type Boolean |
11 | HierarchyLookup | This type covers lookups which are for Releases or Requirements, as they have special controls to show hierarchy relations |
12 | Html | This type covers rich text properties, such as descriptions and text custom properties with the "Rich Text" option set to Yes |
13 | Decimal | This type covers decimal custom properties and planning points |
14 | CustomPropertyMultiList | This type covers custom properties of type Multiselect List |
15 | CustomPropertyDate | This type covers date (Not Date and Time) custom properties |
16 | MultiList | This type covers multi-select standard fields, such as Incident Components and Tags. Tags have special handling, where the text value is a list of tags as text |
Artifact Statuses¶
The following artifact statuses are not customizable, and as such, these lookups can be used to develop against these artifact's & their statuses. The property names are the object keys for the relevant spiraAppManager properties.
Available on spiraAppManager.requirementStatuses
ID | Name | Property Name |
1 | Requested | requested |
2 | Planned | planned |
3 | In Progress | inProgress |
4 | Developed | developed |
5 | Accepted | accepted |
6 | Rejected | rejected |
7 | Under Review | underReview |
8 | Obsolete | obsolete |
9 | Tested | tested |
10 | Completed | completed |
11 | Ready for Review | readyForReview |
12 | Ready for Test | readyForTest |
13 | Released | released |
14 | Design in Progress | designInProgress |
15 | Design Approval | designApproval |
16 | Documented | documented |
Available on spiraAppManager.releaseStatuses
ID | Name | Property Name |
1 | Planned | planned |
2 | In Progress | inProgress |
3 | Completed | completed |
4 | Closed | closed |
5 | Deferred | deferred |
6 | Cancelled | cancelled |
Available on spiraAppManager.testCaseStatuses
ID | Name | Property Name |
1 | Draft | draft |
2 | Ready for Review | readyForReview |
3 | Rejected | rejected |
4 | Approved | approved |
5 | Ready for Test | readyForTest |
6 | Obsolete | obsolete |
7 | Tested | tested |
8 | Verified | verified |
Available resources¶
Inflectra Javascript helpers¶
Each Javascript contents for a SpiraApp is embedded on the relevant page wrapped in an IIFE block and set to use strict. The SpiraApp code is also prepended to include access to useful constants:
: an instance of a helper class, described more belowAPP_GUID
: string of the SpiraApp's guidWIDGET_ELEMENT
: HTMLElement object of the widget div when operating on a dashboard with a relevant SpiraApp widget (Such as the My Page)
You can read the contents of these constants, but cannot write to them.
Additionally, if a SpiraApp has any relevant settings these are stored in the SpiraAppSettings
object. The settings for a SpiraApp can be accessed with SpiraAppSettings[APP_GUID]
. This will store key/values based on each relevant setting and its name
field as specific in the manifest. Product settings are loaded onto all product specific pages. System settings are loaded onto the My Page.
The spiraAppManager is a helper class that provides a wide range of useful functions and operations to SpiraApps. Read its reference material here.
SpiraApp admins can store settings at the system and product level. These allow admins to configure the SpiraApp and also set information that the SpiraApp can access. These settings are stored in a special on page resource called SpiraAppSettings
You can access the settings specific to your SpiraApp in JavaScript by calling SpiraAppSettings[APP_GUID]
. This will provide a full JSON object of all relevant settings. Secure settings are not accessible client-side - these are designed for credentials storage to make external API calls.
The different settings are accessible in the following places (note that not all settings are available in all places)
Spira Location | System Settings | Product Settings |
Product artifact pages | ||
Product home page | ||
Product reporting | ||
My Page |
Third party Javascript libraries¶
The following third party Javascript libraries and tools are available to SpiraApps:
- React v16.14
- Mustache
Spira provides a number of resources that SpiraApps can use to provide rich, powerful, and seamless user experiences. These are designed to provide developers a comprehensive and developer-friendly toolset to create SpiraApps that can (and should) feel like native Spira features.
Inflectra CSS helpers¶
HTML elements added to the page for a SpiraApp (like a menu or widget) is wrapped in a containing div that has the guid of the SpiraApp as a property. Any CSS added onto the page for the SpiraApp is nested with this same property on the page. This means the SpiraApp CSS cannot change any CSS elsewhere on the page
Inflectra's Unity CSS library is available to SpiraApps. While it exists within Spira, the basics and its classes are available to help you plan and review your css on GitHub.
Spira Artifact Images¶
The following images are available for SpiraApps to access to help enhance the appearance of any UX. Use the baseThemeUrl property from the SpiraAppManager to aid in retrieval. Note that all of the images below are in SVG format and in the "Images" folder.
- artifact-UseCaseStep.svg
- artifact-AutomationHost.svg
- artifact-Baseline.svg
- artifact-Build.svg
- artifact-Capability.svg
- artifact-CapabilitySummary.svg
- artifact-Configuration.svg
- artifact-Document.svg
- artifactHighlight-planningBoard.gif
- artifactHighlight-risk.gif
- artifactHighlight-risk.png
- artifactHighlight-sourceCode.gif
- artifactHighlight-task.gif
- artifact-Incident.svg
- artifact-Iteration.svg
- artifact-Planning.svg
- artifact-PlanningBoard.svg
- artifact-PortfolioMilestone.svg
- artifact-ProgramMilestone.svg
- artifact-Project.svg
- artifact-PullRequest.svg
- artifact-Release.svg
- artifact-RepositoryTest.svg
- artifact-Requirement.svg
- artifact-RequirementStep.svg
- artifact-RequirementSummary.svg
- artifact-Resource.svg
- artifact-Revision.svg
- artifact-Revision-Add.svg
- artifact-Revision-Delete.svg
- artifact-Risk.svg
- artifact-RiskMitigation.svg
- artifact-SourceCode.svg
- artifact-StrategicOutcome.svg
- artifact-Task.svg
- artifact-TestCase.svg
- artifact-TestCaseNoSteps.svg
- artifact-TestConfigurationSet.svg
- artifact-TestLink.svg
- artifact-TestRun.svg
- artifact-TestSet.svg
- artifact-TestStep.svg
- artifact-UseCase.svg
- FolderOpen.svg
- Folder.svg
- product-TaraVault.svg
- org-Administration.svg
- org-Component.svg
- org-Enterprise.svg
- org-Portfolio.svg
- org-Program-outline.svg
- org-Project-outline.svg
- org-spiraApp.svg
- org-Template-outline.svg
- product-SpiraPlan.svg
- product-SpiraTeam.svg
- product-SpiraTest.svg
Third party CSS libraries¶
The following third party CSS libraries are available to SpiraApps:
- FontAwesome 6 pro: available as embedded fonts referenced using css styles