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SpiraApp Manifest


The manifest is a yaml file that stores all information about the SpiraApp, including its name, references to code files, settings, and where the SpiraApp is used in the application. It is an essential part of every SpiraApp, determining where and how the SpiraApp should run.


The manifest can have up to 8 different sections, but all of them are optional, except for the metadata section. Only use the sections that are relevant to your SpiraApp.

  1. General metadata and information about the SpiraApp (we recommend putting this at the top of the yaml file)
  2. System level settings for admins to fill in
  3. Product level settings for product admins to fill in
  4. Setting groups to help visually organize system and product settings
  5. Insert code content onto specific pages
  6. Menu buttons with dropdown entries on toolbars on specific pages
  7. Columns on grids with custom HTML
  8. Dashboard widgets with embedded js code

There are some potential gotchas or restrictions to keep in mind. You can only have one:

  • menu item on each unique page
  • pageContent item (so one js and css file) on each unique page
  • column on a grid for each relevant page
  • dashboard widget on each dashboard type
  • setting, product setting, and setting group with a specific name (unique in each category - you can reuse a name between settings and product settings, for example)

Below, we describe each manifest section along with example yaml.

SpiraApp metadata

The metadata below provides essential information to identify and explain the SpiraApp. This section is the only mandatory section for the manifest. Note that all properties are at the root level.

  • guid: Provide a new guid in the form of aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddd-eeeeeeeeeeeee
  • name: CodeFriendlyAppName (no spaces or hyphens)
  • caption: User facing SpiraApp name
  • summary: Shown on the system admin SpiraApp list page
  • description: Shown on the system admin SpiraApp details page
  • productSummary: Shown on the product admin SpiraApp list page
  • productDescription: Shown on the product admin SpiraApp details page
  • author: Organization who owns the SpiraApp
  • url: Where should users go to get help, documentation, and support for this SpiraApp?
  • icon: Optionally provide the relative path to a single SVG file in the form of ://filename.svg (note the special syntax before the filename that is used to properly embed the SVG)
  • license: The type of license the SpiraApp is under
  • copyright: Any copyright information
  • version: Version number in the form a decimal
guid: 9cbb6a57-ffc1-4ff8-aef7-a740d6bd22b1
name: myFirstSpiraApp
caption: My first SpiraApp
summary: A hello world example SpiraApp
description: The aim of this SpiraApp is to show a basic hello world style proof of concept
productSummary: A hello world example SpiraApp
productDescription: The aim of this SpiraApp is to show a basic hello world style proof of concept
author: My Company
icon: ://myIcon.svg
license: MIT License
copyright: Copyright My Company
version: 0.2


SpiraApps can have system wide and product specific settings. Settings can optionally be organized into groups to make it easier for admins to configure them.

Settings groups

Setting groups help you visually organize any system level of product level administration settings. They are not required, but can be useful to improve the admin user experience. The settingGroups is an array of objects, each object must have a name and a caption.

  • name: codeFriendlyUniqueName (no spaces or hyphens)
  • caption: User friendly name
  - name: groupAlpha
    caption: First Group
  - name: groupBravo
    caption: Second Group

System admin settings

A SpiraApp can require system level settings to be configured and stored. These settings are useful for:

  • storing credentials securely for making API calls to a third party service. The credentials are never exposed to the browser, but can be used by their name when making requests to the server
  • storing settings used for My Page widgets client side, as these widgets apply system wide. For example, how many rows of data should be displayed to the user. Only non-secure settings are available to My Page widgets

The settings is an array of objects, each object contains the following properties (some are optional)

  • settingTypeId: an integer for the type of setting
  • name: codeFriendlyUniqueName
  • caption: User friendly Name
  • isSecure: boolean (true or false - defaults to false)
  • placeholder: Placeholder for the setting to help users
  • position: Optional int for the order to show the settings in
  • tooltip: On hover tooltip for users
  • settingGroup: Optional name of the settingGroup to use for this setting
  - settingTypeId: 1 
    name: rowsToDisplay
    caption: How many rows should we display on the My Page widget?
    isSecure: false
    placeholder: 5
    position: 1
    tooltip: By default 5 rows are displayed
    settingGroup: groupAlpha

Product admin settings

A SpiraApp can also have product level settings. These settings are unique per product and are useful for:

  • storing settings used by Product Home Page or Reporting SpiraApp widgets
  • storing settings used on any product artifact page by the SpiraApp
  • storing any secure securely (not currently used)

Only non-secure settings are available to SpiraApps client side.

The settings is an array of objects, each object must be in the form as below. See our reference for settingTypeIds

  • settingTypeId: an integer for the type of setting
  • name: codeFriendlyUniqueName
  • caption: User friendly Name
  • artifactTypeId: Optional artifact type you wish to specify (useful for status or custom property setting types)
  • isSecure: boolean (true or false - defaults to false)
  • placeholder: Placeholder for the setting to help users
  • position: Optional int for the order to show the settings in
  • tooltip: On hover tooltip for users
  • settingGroup: Optional name of the settingGroup to use for this setting
  - settingTypeId: 3 
    name: customProperty1
    caption: Select a release custom property
    artifactTypeId: 1
    position: 1
    tooltip: Please select a requirement custom property from the dropdown list
    settingGroup: groupAlpha


SpiraApps will often run on specific pages. This can be as a code running in the background, functionality triggered by a user, or actions a user can take on rows on a grid.

Page Contents

A SpiraApp can run on a wide number of pages including the SpiraApp product admin settings page itself. The functionality comes from code (JS, HTML, and CSS) from the SpiraApp. This code is loaded onto the page based on the configuration provided in the manifest. You can load different javascript code on each page, or the same code. Different SpiraApp features use different code types (for example, only page columns uses HTML).

The pageContents setting is an array of objects, one for each page that content should appear on.

  • pageId: an integer for the page the code should be embedded on
  • name: codeFriendlyName to describe the content (not currently used)
  • code: relative path to a single JS file to include on the page in the form of file://{filename.js}
  • css: relative path to a single CSS file to include on the page in the form of file://{filename.css}. NOTE do not embed encoded images in CSS, if you need to include SVG images, then reference them in the form "://icon.svg".
  - pageId: 9
    name: mySpiraAppCode
    code: file://app.js
    css: file://styles.css

Users can proactively interact with a SpiraApp via menu buttons on product pages including the SpiraApp product admin settings page. Each menu button has a number of entries. These entries provide the actual links to the SpiraApp code. For example, if users have 5 different actions they can take with a SpiraApp, then there will be 5 entries in the menu button - 5 menu entries in the button's dropdown.

The menu setting is an array of objects, one for each page the menu should be on. Each menu object will have an entries key that contains an array of "entry" objects.

Menu object:

  • pageId: an integer for the page the menu should display on
  • caption: the button text
  • icon: CSS classes to use for displaying an icon button. These can either be Font Awesome classes, or custom css classes from the SpiraApp
  • isActive: boolean whether the menu should be visible or not. If set to false or omitted the menu will not show
  • entries: list of menu entry objects

Entry object:

  • name: codeFriendlyUniqueName
  • caption: User facing name
  • tooltip: On hover tooltip
  • icon: CSS classes to use for displaying an icon button. These can either be Font Awesome classes, or custom css classes from the SpiraApp
  • isActive: boolean whether the menu should be visible or not. If set to false or omitted the menu will not show
  • actionTypeId: an integer for the type of action to run when the user clicks on the entry
  • action: the details of the action to run on user interaction (used for providing the URL to open if that is the action type)
- pageId: 9
  caption: Analyze Requirement
  icon: fa-light fa-flask
  isActive: true
  - name: readingLevelScore
    caption: Reading Level Grade
    tooltip: Get the reading level grade score for the requirement description
    icon: fa-light fa-graduation-cap
    isActive: true
    actionTypeId: 2
    action: scoreDescriptionGrade

Page Columns

Artifact list pages can have a special type of SpiraApp where SpiraApp functionality is provided as a column.

The pageColumns setting is an array of objects, with only one object per unique page id.

  • pageId: an integer for the page the menu should display on
  • name codeFriendlyName describing the column (not currently used)
  • caption: user friendly name
  • template: relative path to a single HTML template file in the form of file://{filename.html}
  - pageId: 8
    name: myAppColumn
    caption: My App
    template: file://myColumn.html


SpiraApps can run as custom widgets on specific dashboard pages in Spira. These widgets can show rich dynamic and interactive content to users.

The dashboards setting is an array of objects, with only one object per unique dashboard id.

  • dashboardTypeId: an integer for the dashboard page the SpiraApp widget is on
  • name: User facing widget title
  • isActive: boolean set to true for the widget to be available to users
  • description: User friendly description
  • code: relative path to a single JS file to include in the widget in the form of file://{filename.js}
  - dashboardTypeId: 1
    name: My Widget
    isActive: true
    description: A hello world example widget
    code: file://widget.js


SpiraApps can store arbitrary data using key/value pairs. These key/value pairs can be added programmatically but also in the manifest.

Manifest storage can only be used to add system level storage items. On upgrading a SpiraApp, storage items that existed before will be updated. Storage items removed from the manifest are not removed during the upgrade process, so should be removed programmatically.

  • key: string of the key - must be unique
  • value: string of the value
  • isSecure: boolean used to indicate if a storage item should have its value encrypted. Defaults to false and is optional. Note that is feature is not currently used in SpiraApps
  - key: urlHome
    value: ""
    isSecure: false