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Integrating with Jasmine

Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.

Some key features of Jasmine are:

  • Fast- Low overhead, jasmine-core has no external dependencies.
  • Batteries Included - Comes out of the box with everything you need to test your code.
  • NodeJS and Browser - Run your browser tests and Node.js tests with the same framework.

The Spira Reporter for Jasmine will integrate JasmineJS with Spira. It will create a test run in Spira for each test spec executed in Jasmine.

Setting up the integration

Install the integration by running npm i jasmine-spiratest in the root directory of your tests. Inside each test spec file, import the SpiraReporter with var SpiraReporter = require('jasmine-spiratest') then put the line jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpiraReporter(spiraCredentials)); where spiraCredentials is an object of the format below. You can see a full sample test spec at the bottom of this page.

    "url": "https://doctor/SpiraPlan",
    "username": "fredbloggs",
    "projectId": 1,
    "releaseId": 1,
    "testSetId": 1,
    "testCases": {
        "default": 20,
        "should multiply correctly": 21,
        "should solve exponents and logarithms correctly": 16

Fields are required unless otherwise noted.

Field Description
url The root URL of your SpiraTest instance without a '/' at the end
username The username you use to sign into SpiraTest
token Your RSS Token. Found in your profile page as the RSS Token field. You must have RSS Feeds enabled for this to work
projectId The ID of the product you would like the Test Runs to be filed under
releaseId OPTIONAL - Use if you would like to associate created test runs with a release
testSetId OPTIONAL - Use if you would like to associated created test runs with a test set
testCases Must contain the default field within it and, optionally, specific test cases for a given test spec name
default Inside the testCases field, this is the ID of the default test case mapped to a created test run
OPTIONAL - Use as many times as you would like to map a the created test run for a spec to a particular test case in SpiraTest. Note that capitalization, special characters and spaces are ignored both in testCases and the spec itself
Once you have added the SpiraReporter to the jasmine environment in each file as described above, you are all set!

Using the SpiraTest Reporter

Run npm test or however you ran jasmine before and you should see test runs created in the product you specified.

Sample Test Spec with SpiraTest Integration

describe("Test having two specs", () => {
    var SpiraReporter = require('jasmine-spiratest');

    jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpiraReporter({
        "url": "https://doctor/SpiraPlan",
        "username": "fredbloggs",
        "projectId": 1,
        "releaseId": 1,
        "testSetId": 1,
        "testCases": {
            "default": 20,
            "equality works": 21,
            "addition works": 16

    describe("Test basic JavaScript", () => {
        it("Equality works...", () => {
        it("Addition works", () => {
            expect(3 + 2).toEqual(5);
        it("Multiplication works", () => {
            expect(4 * 5).toEqual(20);

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